October 18, 2020

The Gospel of Mark: Rest- Chapter 3

Preacher: Heath Haynes Series: The Gospel of Mark: The Crown and Cross of Christ Scripture: Mark 2:23– 3:6

In this teaching, we address Jesus as the Sabbath (starting in 2:23)- what that means and how it addresses our needs and life.

Chapter 3 Study Guide HERE

House Church Information HERE

Resources HERE

Reflection Questions from the end of teaching

These are the reflection questions from the end of the video :
1)  Like the pharisees, do you have any tendencies to add extraneous requirements to what God desires that leads you to either feeling superior in your own righteousness or hopeless in that you will never be good enough?
2) Jesus claims to be Lord of the Sabbath which means He is our rest. What are those things that you find, value, affirmation, & satisfaction in other than Him that steals your rest?
3) The pharisees had created a cold dead religion and yet Jesus says He utterly transforms every part of our life. What are the implications of Jesus’ claim of being our rest in how we work, Treat our friends & family, How we spend our money, How we use our free time, How we vote & engage politics, How we fight for justice in the areas of equality and racism